[email protected] | Phone: 9076777574 | | |


I am an undergraduate Information Technology 2022 student and looking for the role of SDE . Currently Focusing on Data Structures and Algorithms. and have basic Knowledge of OOPs, DBMS, OS, Networking.


Bachelor of Technology, Information Technology July 2022
(Institute of Engineering and Technology, AKTU, Lucknow)

Academic Projects

Weather App
● An Application that gives the weather update of a particular location and it uses an API that takes a location name and it generates the longitude and latitude of that location. After that, it uses another Api for forecasting the data.
● Tech: Node.js | Express | HTML | CSS | API’s

Todo App
● An App in which user can performing various operations like as add the task and update the task and delete the task
● CRUD API where users can perform create, retrieve, update, delete operations.
● Tech: Node.js | Express |Mongodb| HTML | CSS | API’s


Programming Languages: C , C++, Python
Frameworks: Express, Serverless ,Sails.js
Engineering Tools: Git