[email protected] | Phone: 7905380495 | | |


A talented final year student with the ability to think through a problem coupled with the confidence to make ideas heard. I have a strong interest in Data Structures and Algorithms and can build a website using PHP and other frontend languages. I have experience in building deep learning models. I am a people-oriented, curious, creative, and self-motivated individual. My objective is to work alongside an expert team of talented individuals where I can grow along with organizations' growth. I am looking forward to opportunities in software development, product management, and business analyst fields.


Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science Engineering July 2021
(Institute of Engineering and Technology, AKTU, Lucknow)

Academic Projects

Revolution in Transport System ( HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Javascript | Django ) - A plan and simulation of an alternative transport system that will work more efficiently than the current mode of commutation. Website for a Restaurant ( PHP | HTML ) - Designed a website using mainly PHP, it displays the current status of the restaurant. Dress Classification ( CNN ) - Developed a model that classifies the dresses using CNN. Used VGG-19 architecture and data augmentation to increase accuracy. TV Script Generation ( Neural Networks | RNN ) - Developed a model to generate its own Seinfeld TV scripts using RNN’s. Achieved loss less than 3. Sentiment Classification ( Neural Networks | CNN ) - Developed a model that predicts the sentiment from the textual data Increased accuracy by better weight initialization. Achieved accuracy of 85%.


Programming Languages: C | C++ | Python3
Frameworks: Linux | PHP | Git
Engineering Tools: HTML | CSS | Javascript | Bootstrap | Neural Networks | Data Structures | Algorithms
Others: Web Development | Deep Learning | Competitive Coding