Public Pages > Announcements > Distinguished Alumni Review Committee

Distinguished Alumni Review Committee

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A Committee consisting of following members is hereby constituted to work together to review the Records submitted for Distinguished Alumni.

  1. Sri Yatish Katheria 1988 @Yatish1047
  2. Sri VPN Maurya 1990. @Vijai7
  3. Sri Anadi Misra 2000. @Anadi6221
  4. Sri Saurabh Sachan 2005. @Saurabh1868
  5. Sri Sunny Singh 2009 @Sunny7621

The committee shall also deliberate upon the records and review and scrutinize the records.
Terms of Reference of Committee

  1. Analyse the data collected through forms with reference to the published criteria for Distinguished Alumni the Record
  2. Analyse all the proofs and documents /links submitted for the claim.
  3. Personally contact the alumni for verification of records, gather additional information and latest photograph.
  4. Prepare list of Distinguished Alumni recording reasons for acceptance/ rejection against each alumni.
  5. Add any name other than those collected through forms in case the alumni meets the published criteria.
  6. Present the report for perusal of EC who will present it to the Alumni groups.
  7. After clearance from EC, the Committee will coordinate for display of details of Distinguished Alumni on the website IETHUB.ORG

The committee may contact @Abhilasha209 Abhilasha Rani IET EC 2006 for further details.